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  • Always handle edge cases
  • Look at the data structures, queues, stack, map

Singly Linked List

  • To return parent keep a dummy/root copy and return
  • Dummy parent means it has a value of null and its next is the first value. That is the root
  • Fast and slow runner if you it becomes equal and fast has not become null means it is circular
  • Removing list, just copy the next val

Rotating Images:

  •  If you want to rotate image and you know the order of the arrays end point, you can assign it to just linked list and poll.

String problems

  • Character.isDigit and Character.isLetter
  • Prefix contains - you can check the first word and slowly trim word and check if .contains each other words

Array Problems

2D ARRAY    

  • BFS for grid traversals, do not be afraid to create a new linked list in the recursion for the new set of data (Amazon exam is the rotting orange challenge,
  • To avoid revisiting you can either destroy matrix clone matrix or do a visited boolean matrix

Tree level

  • Add null on each level, if two nulls then that’s the actual null else increment level


  • Binary tree: start + (end- start) /2


  • Recursive algo for trees
  • Permutations using sets and arrays 2^n solution on possible permutations

Data structure

  • Treemap for ordered key set
  • Master compute for maps


  • Arrays.copyOfRange(arr, start, end); - sub array
