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Technical Debt Assessment Framework

Sample use case​

Company A

  • Incuring tech debt faster than we are able to resolve
  • tight delivery timelines and limited engineering skills
  • allocation of team resources are contributing factor
  • tech debt is impeding ability to deliver

What to do​

  • Audit tech components and determine extent
  • Identify the characteristics of the debt and determine severity by how many characteristics are pressent
  • identify key areas highest severity to address


  • Avoid touching high risk systems
  • Simplify the tech stack w/ current engineering capabilities
  • Devops Automation



  • Inconsistency - multiple implementations, inconsistently applied coding patterns
  • Low Code Quality - not testable, tests not implemented
  • Anti patterns -
  • Highly fragile - Components brwak easily when new changes are introduced
  • Highly complex- hard to trace and debug
  • tightly coupled components
  • high duplication

Non Debt​

  • future planned capabilities
  • manual interventions
  • immature components
  • Missing capabilities


  • longer time to market
  • increased cost to maintain
  • decrease ability to scale
  • degraded developer experience